The school hired Taylor Mali, a famous slam poet, to come to Dhaka for ten days of presentations and workshops with our students. I wasn’t familiar with him, but he is amazing. You really should check out his website ( and look for his videos on YouTube. The first night he gave his adult show for the teachers. I had three of my students tape the show. At one point it got pretty risqué, and it was hilarious to watch the students. Even though they are juniors and seniors, these boys are pretty straightlaced. You all know how easily I blush. One of them clearly outdid me – a major accomplishment given his very dark, brown skin. They were thrilled, though, to have seen something that none of the other students got to see.
The next night Taylor Mali MC’d a poetry slam for the students and faculty. I was really impressed with their poems and presentations of them. We did a live feed of the show on the internet and also taped it.
The next night was the talent show. Another amazing effort by the kids. And another night of taping by my students. The job of the media club sponsor is never done.
The following day a group of us took Taylor Mali on a boat trip up the river. It was really neat to do this trip again in the daytime. There was so much to see – fishermen, people gathering water hyacinths, others washing their cattle or clothes in the river, and so on. I barely had time to put my camera down to eat the amazing spread we brought. It is just so relaxing (and decadent) to be floating down the river on a covered boat, sitting on big pillows and eating and drinking way too much. I have got to find someone who wants to sell their share in a boat. We ended the day with another party for the high school teachers and Taylor Mali.
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